Unit page, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress
nomen juxtarestiformis |
Identification |
Official Latin term | nomen juxtarestiformis |
Official subsidiary term | word juxtarestiform |
Unit identifier | TAH:U11985 |
Unit type | vocabulary |
Materiality | non physical entity |
Navigation |
Taxonomic definition |
Taxonomic definition | The word juxtarestiform is a word of morphological structure [nomen structurae morphologicae ] which denotes a part of the inferior peduncle [pedunculus cerebellaris inferior] call the juxtarestiform body [corpus juxtarestiforme cerebelli ]. |
Vocabulary for 11985 |
nomen juxtarestiformis
By adjective |
5306/AFMB del |
tractus corporis juxtarestiformis cerebelli
5758/AFMB pair |
corpus juxtarestiforme cerebelli
Number of occurrences |
2 items
Taxonomy |
Date: 13.06.2022 |